Try using programmatic and quick search go links!
Are you ready to take your go links use to the next level?
Trotto supports programmatic go links, which are links containing placeholders that map onto the destination URL. Use "%s" as the placeholder when creating the go link.
For example, you can use a placeholder to create a go link for all your Github repos:
Then when using your go link, type in go/github/[repo name]
You can also use multiple placeholders in your go links. For example, you may have multiple organizations in Github. You could create a multiple placeholder go link by using:
Where the first %s is your org and the second %s is your repo name (so when you use the go link, type in go/github/[org name]/[repo name]).
Quick search go links are similar to programmatic go links, use a placeholder to set up a quick search - for example, search for a keyword in Google Drive by creating a go link like go/drive/%s and pointing that go link to
This may need require some investigative work to figure out what part of the original URL needs to be replaced but you can determine this by trying an actual search on the service, then copying the URL and replacing the term you searched for with the %s placeholder.